Lawlink in partnership with DUAL ASSET UNDERWRITING would like to offer their clients the ability to procure instant off the shelf Asset Protection Products, most notably Defective Title Insurance via a streamlined on-line trading platform.
Benefits for Solicitors
• Protection to your client should a risk become real
• Quick and bespoke solutions to title defects which may not easily be remedied by corrective conveyancing or the passage of time
• The purchase of such policies are consistent with a solicitors duty to manage client risk
• The policies operate on a “no fault” basis and therefore reduce the potential that a claim will be taken against the Solicitor if conveyancing issues arise
• The quotes given include comparison of prices from 3 top-rated insurers

Registration Required – Please click here to register. Alternatively please contact Catherine Denvir for more information or telephone 028 9023 0095.
Title Insurance hand in hand with Title Searches
Specific (Known) Risks Conveyancing Insurance
Buying residential property as a personal dwelling or for investment can be complicated and expensive. These days around 30% of homes are not immediately acceptable to lenders for a mortgage. The reasons for this can include specific risks such as: lack of building regulations consents; access/servitude issues; legal restrictions; title issues or transfers at undervalue/for nil consideration. DUAL can offer a range of Specific Risks policies to cover the above events and more. Where you come across a title issue why not investigate the possibility of obtaining cover?
These products can be bought at any time not just when you first purchase the property.
For further information please download our brochure
Commercial Real Estate Insurance
Large commercial transactions can be challenging and difficult to complete. If you have a specific risk or need insurance to back the complex structured financing needed to complete a purchase then DUAL can help.
Typical specific hazards will include: violation of planning/zoning; inadequate easements; violation of restrictive covenants; reservations of rights including mineral reservations.
Insurance can support commercial property financing where sellers’ warranties are unacceptable or non-existent or information, time or fees budget are inadequate. DUAL have a vast experience of bringing a “risk assuming” counterparty to absorb the weaknesses and ensure your deal closes securely and on time.
For further information please download our brochure
Conveyancing All Risks Insurance
No matter how hard and carefully you work, buying property will always be risky even if the risks appear decades later. Unforeseen and unforeseeable risks for property owners include: boundary structures; position of boundaries; untruthful sellers; preservation orders and unwitting breaches of title conditions to name a few.
DUAL’S Conveyancing All Risks insurance policy can offer protection even long after the policy is sold. This product can be bought at any time not just when there is a transfer to provide lasting peace of mind for a small premium.